
  • Project 6: Dutch Trains web app.

    Project 6: Dutch Trains web app.

    Project 6: Dutch Trains web app. (code available on Github) Scope: Create a web app based on the Dutch iPhone app “Trein.” The app will display current train disruptions, and current departure times for selected train stations. All of the information is drawn from the API provided by the Dutch rail service, NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen): For…

  • Project 5: Shakespeare Sentiment Analysis.

    Project 5: Shakespeare Sentiment Analysis.

    Project 5: Shakespeare Sentiment Analysis. (code available on Github) Scope: Use the existing Node.js / Express / sentiment scaffolding from Project 4 to perform sentiment analysis on the top six speakers in a selected Shakespeare play. You can read more about the sentiment module and sentiment analysis in the write-up for Project 4. What I Learned: Server-side…

  • Project 4: Twitter Sentiment Analysis

    Project 4: Twitter Sentiment Analysis

    Project 4: Twitter Sentiment Analysis (code available on Github) Scope: Build a Node.js project that uses the twit and sentiment modules to perform sentiment analysis on a set of tweets containing a given piece of text. A few notes on the sentiment module (quoting from its github page):  it is “a Node.js module that uses the AFINN-111 wordlist to perform sentiment…

  • Project 3: Tap Out Your Own Morse Code Message.

    Project 3: Tap Out Your Own Morse Code Message.

    Whew, I was feeling pretty under the weather there for a few days, but I’m feeling better and back on the coding wagon! This one was fun. I grew up on a boat, so any kind of “early naval technology” was fascinating to me as a child, including morse code. Project 3: Tap Out Your…

  • Project 2: D3.js bar graph of number of lines in Shakespeare plays.

    Project 2: D3.js bar graph of number of lines in Shakespeare plays.

    Project 2: How Many Lines? Now with bar graph! (code available on Github) Scope:  Take the previous project (How Many Lines?) that just counts up the number of lines for each character in a Shakespeare play and displays them in a table. Add a bar graph to this, with effects like a tooltip that displays when you…

  • Project 1: How Many Lines does each Shakespeare character speak?

    Project 1: How Many Lines does each Shakespeare character speak?

    Project 1: How Many Lines? (code available on Github) One thing I’d like to do, if possible, is to use these mini-programming projects to solve problems that are interesting to me. In this case: how many lines does each Shakespeare character in any given play have to say? I looked around for well-formatted versions of the play…