I grew up on a boat, so any kind of “early naval technology” was fascinating to me as a child, including morse code.
Project 3: Tap Out Your Own Morse Code Message. (code available on Github)
Scope: You produce morse code messages onscreen by tapping the “m” key in a “dots-n-dashes” fashion (short tap = dot, long tap = dash).
What I Learned:
- Not a lot of new stuff with this one, just playing around with Javascript. I debated about implementing the dots and dashes with D3.js, but it was so simple that CSS did the job just fine.
What I Left:
- I think it would be fun to introduce a “quizzing” component, where the page would show a simple message that the user would try to reproduce in morse code, and the page would verify if it had been done correctly. I may come back and add this later.