A significant part of the early portion of the computer science pathway I developed was the development of websites, and the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create interactive websites.

I produced a lot of examples, and assignments that ranged from simple HTML/CSS only websites, all the way up to using third party web APIs to incorporate and display real-time information such as the weather, or pet adoption information!

Restaurant Website

A simple website project to review and practice basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (adding/altering the DOM). Students created a themed restaurant, and could choose their own theme!

Repl.it demo code available here.


A client-side project demonstrating the use of a REST API (through the JavaScript SDK) to pull and display information on pets available for adoption in the area. Information on the Petfinder JS SDK available here.

Github code available here.

Chatroom with GIFs

A simple chatroom using Socket.io and the GIPHY API to allow users to add GIFs to the chat.

Students were able to practice using WebSockets and making API requests on the server side.

GitHub code available here.